
Confluences : A new partnership for Archaeology, History and Heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Read more: Confluences

French archaeological Mission of Amathonte

The city, originally occupied according to Theopompe by an "autochthonous" population strongly mixed with Phoenicians, then with Greeks, and where they spoke a language still to be deciphered nowadays, was then governed by kings with Greek names, but who led a policy generally favourable to Persia.

Read more: French archaeological Mission of Amathonte

French archaeological Mission of Klimonas

The excavation of Klimonas should allow to write a new page of Cypriot prehistory.

Read more: French archaeological Mission of Klimonas

French archaeological Mission of Kition

Founded in 1964 for the excavation of Salamis, the mission of the University of Lyon has conducted research since 1976 on the ancient city of Kition (under the modern city of Larnaca).

Read more: French archaeological Mission of Kition


Discover the ancient site of Kition thanks to the narrative map developed by Sabine Fourrier (Research Director, CNRS) and Alexandre Rabot (Engineer in archeology, Lyon2), who take part in a mission funded by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreing Affairs.This map invites visitors to explore urban history in five stages, leading to places where visitors can see different strata of the site's past. Extend the visit with online documentary resources. 

Fabrika Hill in Kato Paphos

Archaeological discoveries by the French mission of the University of Avignon directed by Claire Balandier, professor of archeology and history of ancient Greece.

Cyprusmail 08/09/2020

PAFOSNET 08/09/2020


Discovering Amathus

On the initiative of the French archaeological mission of Amathus, a narrative map, in French and in English, offers a discovery journey of Amathus, its monuments and its history, through inscriptions discovered in different places of the site, in various languages and scripts, enhanced by pictures and an online biography. By Alexandre Rabot and Anna Cannavò, HiSoMA, MOM, Lyon.

Narrative map of Salamis

The French Archaeological Mission of Kition and Salamis proposes you a walk through the religious landscape of the antique city of Salamis. By Sabine Fourrier, Director of the Mission and Alexandre Rabot, Study Engineer (HiSoMA UMR 5189).




Création d'une association FLAM (Français Langue Maternelle)

French version - γαλλική έκδοση

Vous êtes une famille française ou bi-nationale résidant à Chypre, et votre enfant est scolarisé dans une autre langue que le français.  Vous souhaiteriez cependant que vos enfants puissent bénéficier d’activités culturelles ou linguistes extra-scolaires en français.

Read more: Création d'une association FLAM (Français Langue Maternelle)

Répertoire des ressources FLE gratuites

French version - γαλλική έκδοση

ressources fleDes outils numériques utiles ...

Read more: Répertoire des ressources FLE gratuites

Job offer

You live in Cyprus, you have teaching experience and you would like to join the team of French as a Foreign Language teachers at the French Institute of Cyprus? Send us your CV and cover letter to contact


Formations à distance et ressources pédagogiques pour les enseignants de FLE

French version - γαλλική έκδοση

France Education International (ex CIEP) constate, à travers les réseaux sociaux, la forte mobilisation des enseignants de FLE pour assurer la continuité pédagogique et ainsi vous transmet des éléments d'information concernant ses dispositifs de formation à distance et des liens vers des ressources pédagogiques accessibles gratuitement.

Read more: Formations à distance et ressources pédagogiques pour les enseignants de FLE

FRED : La plateforme pour enseigner et apprendre le français

French version - γαλλική έκδοση

Vous enseignez le français ? Vous l’apprenez ? La plateforme FRED – – vous permet d’accéder gratuitement à plusieurs milliers de contenus de qualité : vidéos, textes, infographies, podcasts…

Choosing French education

Choosing the French education system abroad, means adopting values of excellence, sharing and leadership. It means choosing a quality education with an international dimension, driven by the standards of French-style education and open to the host country. Please find in this leaflet useful information concerning the French educational system.



Accréditation maternelle francophone

French version - γαλλική έκδοση

Vous êtes un établissement scolaire qui accueille des enfants entre 2 et 6 ans.

  • Au moins 75% de vos enseignants sont francophones (niveau B1 minimum).
  • Au moins 50% de vos assistantes maternelles sont francophones (niveau B1 minimum).
  • Vos élèves bénéficient d’un enseignement francophone avec au moins 50% d’activités quotidiennes en langue française.

Read more: Accréditation maternelle francophone

Theater workshop for children from 5 to 11 years old!

Every Monday 4:45-6:00 p.m. in Nicosia, Entos twn texnwn (Aischylou 29 street, 1011). Courses, organized by the Yasemin collective, take place in French. Free first trial lesson. Info/registration: 99 44 80 34 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Registration are opened until the end of November.

Read more: Theater workshop for children from 5 to 11 years old!

Cooperation between the French Institute of Cyprus and the Cyprus Institute

In video, the testimony of Nicolas Jarraud, Deputy Vice-President at the Cyprus Institute, and Simon Kamerling, trainee student of the Ecole Polytechnique.  

Read more: Cooperation between the French Institute of Cyprus and the Cyprus Institute

Laurent Fabius emphatically supports strong alliance between France and Cyprus to tackle Climate Change

The idea of ​​a strong Cyprus-France alliance in order to deal with the Climate Change, was emphatically supported by the former Prime Minister of France, Laurent Fabius, during his exclusive interview to Prof. Costas N. Papanicolas, within the context of CyBC and the  Cyprus Institute’s TV show “Science and Society”.

Read more: Laurent Fabius emphatically supports strong alliance between France and Cyprus to tackle Climate...