Plateforme des examens


1. Registration Policy


1.1. Registrations

All registrations should be done through the Online Registration System before the deadline. Registrations are valid only if fees are paid before the deadline. For late registrations an extra 25% fee will be charged.

To register you should use the Latin alphabet.

You should spell the candidate’s name as written on the I.D card / passport. These documents will be asked to be verified on the exam day.

All candidates having a double nationality are asked to state on of the two and always use that one. For technical reasons, you cannot provide two nationalities. Any incomplete registration will not be treated.

Please note that there will not be any refund unless there is a medical emergency (supporting evidence will be required). The refund request and all supporting documents related thereto must be submitted to the French Institute no later than 6 days following the date of the exams and you will receive a refund minus an administration fee 25%.

1.2. Registration of candidates with special needs

Any physical, sensory or motor disability should imperatively be reported at the time of registration online and a medical certificate describing the recommended accommodations in detail must be sent to the Examination Office. If this disability has not been reported in due time, the examination centre shall not be required to receive the candidate under the appropriate conditions.

1.3. Verification of personal information

Once candidates download their personal invitation to the exam, they must verify all personal information and report any errors. This information is used throughout the examination process. Extra fees will be applied if changes are asked after taking the exam.


2. Exam dates and time

Registration for the exams presupposes that the candidate has been informed about the dates of the exams.

The date and the time of the written and listening parts of the examination cannot be modified. The time of the speaking exam can only be changed in case of emergency.


3. Difficulties


3.1. Cancellation

We only accept written cancellation. We refund if cancellation is made before the end of the deadlines for registrations. Exceeding that deadline, no refund is possible.


3.2. Absence or late arrival

The candidates are requested to be present at the examination centre not less than 30 minutes before the beginning of the exam.

Candidates arriving late will be refused. In case of partially taking the exam or in case of not presence, the exam is considered as “Fail” and no refund is possible.

In case of a medical emergency the candidate should present supporting evidence no later than 6 days following the date of the exams. The French Institute should refund after studying the demand. However, you will receive a refund minus an administration fee 25%.


4. On exam day


4.1. Identity verification

The candidates who will not present their identity card (with photograph) or passport at the time of the oral and written exam will not be permitted to sit the exam. The name written of the I.D. card or passport should correspond to the name used to register.

4.2. Written exam

Candidates should use a pen. All answers with pencil are not valid. Paper used for note taking during the exam will not be marked nor evaluated. All personal documents (dictionaries, notes etc.) are strictly prohibited. Using a monolingual dictionary is permitted for the speaking exam of DALF C1 and for all the DALF C2 exams. Any communication among candidates throughout the exam is strictly prohibited and will lead to cancellation of the exam.


5. Results and Certificates


5.1 Results

All results, as well as the grade slip, will be available on the exam platform to download within two months following the exam.


5.2 Acceptation of results

All decisions taken by the DELF –DALF jury are definite. No changes can be made as to results, except of a material error or an irregularity during the exam.


5.3 Paper consult

A candidate has the right to see his/her paper, no matter the result.

An appointmemnt is to be arranged with the Examination Office and he / she is the only authorised one to consult it. Minor candidates might be accompanied by a legal representator.


5.4. Certificates

The French Institute of Cyprus shall inform all candidates once the certificates are available. Candidates should come and collect the certificate by showing a proof of identity.




The participation of a candidate to an exam organised by the French Institute of Cyprus presupposes acceptance of the present registration procedure and terms




Registrations for the DELF-DALF Junior, Prim and Tout Public May 2025 session are open until March 3,2025.

Registrations via the Online Registration System Plateforme des examens

DELF Junior Dates

DELF Tout Public Dates

DELF Prim Dates

Personal invitations to the exams will be available in the accounts on the exam platform two weeks prior to the exam date.

Results will be released within two months of the exam date.



The DELF Junior, Prim and Tout Public results of May 2023 session are ready.

All individual reports are available in your accounts on the Exam’s platform:


DELF (French Studies Diploma) and DALF (Advanced French Studies Diploma) are issued by the French Ministry of Education, are internationally recognized and valid for life. They evaluate the four communication skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing.

The French Institute of Cyprus is the only approved examination centre in Cyprus, France Éducation international, an official institution of the French Ministry of National Education.



Institut français de Chypre