Opening hours
22 459 333 /
Monday | 8:00 - 18:00 |
Tuesday | 8:00 - 18:00 |
Wednesday | 8:00 - 18:00 |
Thursday | 8:00 - 18:00 |
Friday | 8:00 - 13:00 |
Exams Office
The Exams Office is at your service for information and enrolment at:
Monday |
8:30-14:30 |
Tuesday |
8:30-13:00 14:00-17:00 |
Wednesday |
8:30-13:00 14:00-17:00 |
Thursday |
8:30-14:30 |
Friday |
8:30-14:30 |
Payment facility for French courses
In order to make the payment of the French classes easier and in order to limit contacts, the French Institute strongly encourages users to pay the amounts due using JCC:
Espace Campus France
The Campus France Office is at your service for information and enrolment at:
Monday | 9:00 - 18:00 |
Tuesday | 9:00 - 15:00 |
Wednesday | 9:00 - 18:00 |
Thursday | 9:00 - 15:00 |
Friday | 9:00 - 14:00 |
L’Institut français est l’opérateur de l’action culturelle extérieure de la France. Il a été créé par la loi du 27 juillet 2010 relative à l’action extérieure de l’État et par son décret d’application du 30 décembre 2010.
Offre de stage long - à partir de septembre 2023

Ateliers sur l'ère du numérique
Alumni Day
Course d’orientation « Nicosie en français » ce dimanche 19 mars 2023
A special orientation card, a pencil, questions, a phone, and let's go for an outdoor sporting activity and for a mental and physical challenge that can be practiced by all!
Whether you are alone, in group or with your children, you will find what you are looking for: walking around, paying attention to these words in French around the old town of Nicosia and rediscovering the historic center from a new angle: that of Francophonie!
The questions will be available in Greek, French and English so that as many people as possible can participate.
This event, organized as part of the Month of Francophonie by the French Institute of Cyprus, in collaboration with Nicosia Street Quest, the club Orientaction club - Orienteering in Cyprus, CVAR and CYCLO shop.
You can register the same day at CVAR (285 Ermou Str. 1017 Nicosia) and start the race immediately, between 9:30 am and 11:30 am.
You now have up to ninety minutes (one hour and a half) to find as many of the twenty points on the map as you can and answer a question at each location.
Registration 2euros per person, free registration for kids under 13 years old.
Prices for the 3 categories:
Individual race (30 euros voucher from CYCLO shop)
Family race (a bowling game for 5 people)
Group race (an Escape game of your choice at Brain Game Center)
For more information, please visit our website or call 22 45 93 33
NICOSIE STREET QUEST – RULES AND TIPS. At registration you will receive a question sheet. Only one question sheet will be given out to each individual or team taking part. You will receive a pre-marked map at the start, which will have the twenty locations points clearly marked and numbered relevant to the questions. The start and finish point is also clearly marked on the map. Only one map will be issued per individual or team. If you are a team then you should stay together and must finish TOGETHER. Teams may consist of two, three or maximum four persons. Children under twelve must be accompanied by an adult. All participants take part at their own risk.
Take a pen, pencil or marker with you to the start, to write down your answers on the question sheet as you go round. Remember to write your answers CLEARLY on the question sheet in the same box as the question. At the start you will need to be ready to start at the minute interval. You will then receive your map and you are off!
You now have up to ninety minutes (one hour and a half) to find as many of the twenty points on the map as you can and answer a question at each location. Each question is worth either ten, twenty or thirty points. The locations points furthest away have higher values than those close by. There will be a BONUS Question worth 50 points. Questions can be answered in any order so it would be prudent to plan your route carefully to make the best use of your time. Since the total time allowed is 90 minutes, you MUST return to the finish within your allotted hour as there will be 5 penalty points for every minute late back. So make sure you are back within an hour and a half from your start time. At the finish we will record your time on your answer sheet. Return your question sheet to the registration desk to calculate your time and calculate your score. The organizers decisions are final.
Try and keep your thumb on the point on the map where you actually are at all times. If you become a bit lost then make you way back to a place you recognize and work it out from there. You cannot go very wrong but if you do, then try and make your way to the bastion walls, follow them round keeping them on your right, till you reach Famagusta Gate and then turn left to return to CVAR.
Pour la rentrée universitaire 2023, le processus d’entrée en première année de master évolue.