Café Europa 2022


On the occasion of the French Presidency of the European Union PFUE RESPONSIVE, the Institut français launched "Café Europa 2022". In a period when the European press is facing multiple challenges posed by the evolution of technologies, economic models and links with the political and public spheres, the Institut français and the French cultural network abroad propose a major event devoted to the place of the media in the European public space.

In Cyprus, Costas Constantinou from Politis and Cenk Mutluyakali from Yeni Düzen will discuss with a French journalist, Mrs Adès-Mevel, editor-in-chief and spokesperson for Reporters Without Borders around the theme "the role of the media in a divided island" on Wednesday June 1st at 11.30 a.m., at the Home CAFE, the beating heart of a civil society working for the reunification of the island, installed in the premises of the association "Home for Cooperation" established on the demarcation line in Nicosia.

Moderator: Students from Kes College, a school of journalism in Nicosia.

Home for Cooperation (Markou Drakou 28, Nicosia 1102).


Institut français de Chypre